Monday, March 31, 2025
Daily Business Report

Daily Business Report-Feb. 13, 2017

Recent CSUSM graduate Tiersa Cosaert will have her sculptural installation ‘Curios of the Future’ on display at an exhibit titled Weather on Steroids: The Art of Climate Change Science, which opens Feb. 11 at the La Jolla Historical Society’s Wisteria Cottage.

Cal State San Marcos Pairs with Scripps

Research Scientists in Climate Change Exhibit

By David Ogul | Cal State San Marcos NewsCenter

Cal State San Marcos takes center stage when art and science combine in a powerful new La Jolla Historical Society exhibition that illustrates Southern California’s vulnerability to climate change.

“Weather on Steroids: The Art of Climate Change Science” opened Feb. 11 at the La Jolla Historical Society’s Wisteria Cottage and explores the consequences, challenges, and opportunities arising from the changing climate. The exhibit will be on display through May 21.

The exhibit curator, Tatiana Sizonenko, is an art historian who serves as an adjunct professor at CSUSM. An installation featuring four sculptural pieces created by Judit Hersko, Associate Director at CSUSM’s School of Arts, is among those included, as is a sculptural installation by Tiersa Cosaert, a CSUSM student who just wrapped up her bachelor of art degree in visual arts.

“I’m very excited,” said Hersko, whose work has been featured in dozens of exhibitions in the United States and Europe. “It says a lot about our university and the impact we are having in both art and science.”

Two years in the making, “Weather on Steroids” evolved from discussions involving Sizonenko and Alexander (Sasha) Gershunov, an associate research meteorologist at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography. Their vision developed into an exhibit in which 11 artists would work with nearly a dozen Scripps Institute of Oceanography scientists in creating pieces paired with findings from researchers. Hersko’s piece, “400 Parts Per Million,” alerts the viewer about climate change and ocean acidification caused by the relentless rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide that has reached a dangerous global benchmark. “400 Parts Per Million” is informed by the work of Ralph Keeling, the principal investigator for the Atmospheric Oxygen Research Group at Scripps, and is based on a multi-year collaboration with biological oceanographer Victoria Fabry (professor, CSUSM Biological Sciences).

Cosaert is presenting a sculptural installation she calls Curious of the Future that illustrates the future endangered fish could face if ocean temperatures rise unabated.

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ViaSat to Launch New Satellite, Expand Coverage

Carlsbad-based ViaSat will launch its second satellite Viasat-2 in late April. At around 300 gigabits per second capacity, the new satellite has about twice the bandwidth of ViaSat-1 and will expand coverage beyond North America and into Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, parts of South America and over the Atlantic Ocean.

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UCSD’s NanoXpo

The UC San Diego Department of Nano and Chemical Engineering invites you to its first annual NanoXpo, an industry focused research exposition by engineering graduate students. Hosted Feb. 24, the event provides an opportunity for industry leaders to discover student-led research and potential industry applications.

Register here.


Navy Christens Newest Littoral Combat Ship

The Navy christened its newest Independence-variant littoral combat ship, USS Tulsa, on Saturday in Mobile, Ala. The ship will be based in San Diego.

Tulsa, designated LCS 16, honors the city of Tulsa, Okla. It is the second Navy ship to be named for Tulsa. The first USS Tulsa was an Asheville-class gunboat designated as PG-22 that served from 1923 to 1944 before being renamed Tacloban. She earned two battle stars for World War II service. A cruiser to be named USS Tulsa was also authorized for construction during World War II, but the contract was canceled before it was built.

The future USS Tulsa is a fast, agile, focused-mission platform designed for operation in near-shore environments yet capable of open-ocean operation. It is designed to defeat asymmetric “anti-access” threats such as mines, quiet diesel submarines and fast surface craft.


CaseyGerry Partner Named

2016 Trial Lawyer of the Year

Robert Francavilla
Robert Francavilla

CaseyGerry partner Robert J. Francavilla has been named 2016 Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Consumer Attorneys of San Diego during the organization’s 58th annual Awards and Installation Dinner.

Also honored this year were Arthur H. Bryant as consumer advocate of the year, Honorable Ronald S. Prager as judge of the year and assembly member Shirley N. Weber as legislator of the year.

The Trial Lawyer of the Year Award is given to a San Diego County-based attorney who has achieved outstanding jury verdicts involving a civil or criminal matter. Francavilla has achieved numerous high profile results over the last year, including a $7.6 million jury verdict in a product liability case. Known for taking on high profile, complex cases, he focuses his practice on serious personal injury, head trauma and wrongful death cases and has achieved dozens of multi-million dollar results in recent years.

Francavilla has been lauded on numerous occasions for his trial work and was recently recognized as an “Outstanding Trial Lawyer” at CASD’s “Evening with the Trial Stars” awards dinner.


Personnel Announcements

Brian Frederick Joins McCullough Landscape Architecture

Brian Frederick
Brian Frederick

Brian Frederick has joined San Diego-based McCullough Landscape Architecture Inc. as an associate landscape designer. Frederick, who came on board in December 2016, will help the firm with design development, quality control, client relations, document development and staff software support.

Frederick received his Bachelor of Landscape Architecture from Texas A&M University in 2012 and has been a practicing landscape designer for five years, in both large engineering offices as well as smaller traditional landscape architecture firms.Prior to joining McCullough, he was the director of content and training at Land F/X, headquartered in San Luis Obispo. Land F/X develops professional-grade landscape and irrigation design software. He has worked as a software designer and independent workflow consultant.

Outside the office, Frederick is the founder of San DiFUEGO,  a community hot sauce and spicy food club for San Diego home cooks and backyard gardeners.

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