Daily Business Report/Dec. 30, 2016
San Diego International Airport
Airport’s ‘Good Traveler’ Program
Surpasses 11 Million Miles of Offset Travel
The Good Traveler, San Diego International Airport’s carbon offset program, has offset more than 11 million air miles of travel in just over one year, according to airport offiials.
The program, in which passengers can purchase credits good for offsetting the carbon emissions produced during their trips, has expanded to include two additional airports: Seattle-Tacoma International Airport and Austin-Bergstrom International Airport.
Launched in September 2015, the program has offset about 11.5 million air miles.
“The Good Traveler is a key component of San Diego International Airport’s sustainability strategy,” said Brendan Reed, the airport’s director of environmental affairs. “With every mile we offset, we’re making a tangible contribution to the fight against climate change.”
By working together, all of The Good Traveler airports hope to create an industry-leading, sustainable travel experience for passengers and optimize the program’s “buying power” in terms of offsets. Currently, a $1 credit offsets 500 miles of air travel or 200 miles of automobile travel. Proceeds go toward conservation projects that help counteract the effect of greenhouse gas emissions on the environment.
Online purchasers can choose whether the funds go to U.S. programs such as a wind farm, forestry project and Colorado Delta Restoration project; or offsets that reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation in the Congo and Zambia.
At Lindbergh Field, Good Traveler offsets can be purchased at Ryan Bros. Coffee inside Terminal 1 and 2 and online at www.thegoodtraveler.org.
San Diego’s Minimum Wage
Rises to $11.50 on Monday
Times of San Diego
The minimum wage in San Diego will rise by $1 to $11.50 an hour with the new year.
The city reminded businesses on Thursday that effective on Monday, the Earned Sick Leave and Minimum Wage Ordinance increases the lowest legal pay from $10.50 to $11.50 per hour.
The ordinance applies to all industries and businesses, and there are no exceptions. Tips and gratuities do not count towards payment of minimum wage.
Future increases will be tied to the Consumer Price Index beginning Jan. 1, 2019.
Updated notices for posting at the workplace are available on the minimum wage program’s webpage.
Lawmakers: Bill May Ban
Driving While Smoking Pot
Even if Californians think it’s illegal to smoke marijuana while driving, there’s no specific state law that bans the practice. Two lawmakers want to change that and plan to introduce a bill to close the loophole next week.

Friends and family of sailors assigned to the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson observe an air power demonstration on the flight deck. Carl Vinson hosted more than 2,000 family members and friends Thursday to demonstrate the ship’s capabilities. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Sean M. Castellano)