Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Daily Business Report

Daily Business Report-Girl Scout Edition 4/8/2019

Scene from last year’s Operation Thin Mint Sendoff aboard the USS Midway Museum. It included Christina Bailey, this year’s top-ranked Girl Scout in the region for cookie sales (pictured above, far left). This year’s Sendoff is May 10 at the Midway.

Operation Thin Mint Sendoff 

will Salute Military and 

High-Achieving Girl Scouts 

Now that the 2019 Girl Scout Cookie Program is over, local troops are gearing up to invest their earnings in Girl Scout leadership experiences like camp, high-adventure outdoor excursions, and STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) programs.

This winter, San Diegans purchased 2,836,608 packages of America’s favorite cookies, 909 girls earned their way to camp through their cookie achievements, and 48 Girl Scouts achieved the rank of Elite Cookie Entrepreneur by reaching or exceeding 2,019 or more packages in 2019.

One of the Elite Cookie Entrepreneurs is Grace Martin, 14, a member of Girl Scout Troop 4336. Grace, the daughter of Ross and Dawn Martin of University Heights, and granddaughter of Jean Service of San Carlos, sold 2,552 cookie packages. She and the other Elite Cookie Entrepreneurs earned a helicopter ride/VIP luncheon at at the Operation Thin Mint Sendoff on May 10.
One of the Elite Cookie Entrepreneurs is Grace Martin, 14, a member of Girl Scout Troop 4336. Grace, the daughter of Ross and Dawn Martin of University Heights, and granddaughter of Jean Service of San Carlos, sold 2,552 cookie packages. She and the other Elite Cookie Entrepreneurs earned a helicopter ride/VIP luncheon at at the Operation Thin Mint Sendoff on May 10.

In addition, generous cookie customers donated 165,355 packages of cookies to Operation Thin Mint (OTM). Since the program’s inception in 2002, San Diegans have gifted more than 3 million packages with countless notes of appreciation to deployed U.S. military troops and veterans. 

As they purchased cookies, San Diegans helped Girl Scouts fund troop activities and learn important life skills like goal setting, money management, and business ethics. 

The public is invited to help celebrate the success of OTM and honor the military during Girl Scouts San Diego’s 18th annual Operation Thin Mint Sendoff, a free community event. Set for Friday, May 10, 6-10 p.m. aboard the USS Midway Museum, the family-friendly festival will include music, a patriotic pep rally, helicopters landing and taking off with Elite Cookie Entrepreneurs, and other fun activities. New this year: a boot camp-style obstacle course, expanded community partner booth offerings, and a jump house. Guests are welcome to stay after the event to tour the museum.

This year, a record 48 Girl Scouts earned the Elite Cookie Entrepreneur status. The top-ranking Girl Scout in the region was Christina Bailey (pictured above, top left), who reached 5,530 packages. The other entrepreneurs are Brooklynn Johnson (4,150), Makayla Mayor (4,010), Charlotte Lourey (3,659), Kaylee Sweeney (3,615), Sophia Arruda Reichenberg (3,256), Karely Coney (3,241), Kyla Abe (3,198), Laura Lehmann (3,037), Mckensi Goulette (2,823), Isabel Johnson (2,805), Morgan Liberty (2,633), Daniele Barrow (2,605), Grace Martin (2,552), Tabitha Allen (2,501), Emma Hall (2,415), Leah Ertel (2,285), Amanda Nurding (2,265), Erin Brown (2,254), Marian Beck (2,243), Neena Atienza (2,217), Elizabeth Joliff (2,212) Taylor Harris (2,180), Sydney Taylor (2,177), Gabriella Barajas (2,175), Kaelin Bernardo (2,175), Keely Townley (2,169), Sahara Rodriguez (2,144), Madeleine-Elizabeth Randall (2,127), Katherine-Rose Randall (2,127), Kayla McArthur (2,109), Sofia Rodriguez (2,101), Elena Cervantes (2,098), Abigail Case (2,094), Mirayah Adnan Vargas (2,081), Cassandra Sack (2,076), Kirena Godwin (2,064), Zoe Gorman (2,062), Leah Hayhurst (2,059), Melody Reuter (2,047), Anna Huerta (2,044), Veronica Quesada (2,040), Anastasia Goff (2,034), Sofia Behrend (2,034), Josie Puyear (2,034), Lauren Sobotka (2,031), Cadence Cristobal (2,026), and Layla Lucore (2,019).

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