Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Daily Business Report

Daily Business Report-Nov. 2, 2016

The USS Carl Vinson (U.S. Navy photo)

Military Supports 1in 5 San Diego Jobs,

Poised to Grow with Pacific Focus

Times of San Diego

The $45 billion military economy in San Diego supports one in five local jobs, and is poised to grow significantly as the Navy moves forces to the Pacific, according to a study released Tuesday.

“San Diego’s military complex represents the region’s most important and largest economic catalyst,” said Dr. Lynn Reaser, chief economist at Point Loma Nazarene University’s Fermanian Business and Economic Institute. “One fifth of San Diego County’s economy relies on this key sector.”

The Defense Department spent $23 billion in the 2016 fiscal year, Reaser said, employing 301,000 people and resulting in an overall $45 billion in economic impact.

She forecast an increase of about $500 million in economic impact in the 2017 fiscal year, adding that the long-term effect of Navy’s refocus on the Pacific will be “a major stimulus for the economy.”

The military’s economic significance was detailed at a press conference releasing the 8th annual Military Economic Impact Study sponsored by the San Diego Military Advisory Council.

Council Rejects Proposed Airbnb Ban

A proposal that would have outlawed short-term vacation rentals in most of San Diego’s single-family neighborhoods was rejected Tuesday by the City Council following a nearly seven-hour hearing that drew hundreds of individuals representing both sides of what has long been a contentious and much debated issue.

While the council did direct its city staff to return in the next four months with a comprehensive ordinance that would regulate short-term rentals like those offered via online platforms such as Airbnb and HomeAway, there remain deep divisions on the council and among the public as to what should and should not be allowed. San Diego Union-Tribune 


The building at 2515 San Diego Ave.
The building at 2515 San Diego Ave.

Historic Old Town House Sold for $1.93 Million

The historic Old Town house that was the former home of San Diego luminary William (Jeff) Gateway, who published the first issue of the San Diego Union in 1868, has been sold for $1.93 million. The buyer is Elad Shasho.

The building at 2515 San Diego Ave. was constructed in 1873 as the Gatewood House.

Colliers International represented the seller, the Trup Family 1997 Revocable Survivors Trust. Knowledge Realty represented the buyer.

“Having been privately owned for 65 years, this was an extremely rare opportunity to purchase a historic property in one of San Diego’s premier retail districts,” said Joe Brady, senior associate at Colliers International San Diego Region.


 Celadon at 9th & Broadway
Celadon at 9th & Broadway (Courtesy SVA Architects)

Celadon at 9th & Broadway

Receives Global Award for Excellence

BRIDGE Housing’s Celadon at 9th & Broadway in Downtown San Diego has been awarded an Urban Land Institute 2016 Global Award for Excellence.

One of 11 winners chosen from over 200 submissions around the world, the Celadon team was recognized at the ULI fall meeting in Dallas on Oct. 27. 2016.

The ULI Global Awards for Excellence program recognizes projects that achieve a high standard of excellence in the full development process. The criteria for the awards include leadership, contribution to the community, innovations, public/private partnerships, environmental protection and enhancement, response to societal needs, and financial viability.

Celadon offers affordable apartments to low-income residents in addition to youth aging out of foster care, adults under the Mental Health Services Act and seniors under the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly

A LEED Gold certified building, the project was developed by BRIDGE Housing, with SVA Architects as the architect, and Studio E Architects as the design architect.


Lavin Entrepreneurship Center Director Bernhard Schroeder speaks with students about entrepreneurship. (Credit: Lavin Entrepreneurship Center)
Lavin Entrepreneurship Center Director Bernhard Schroeder speaks with students about entrepreneurship. (Credit: Lavin Entrepreneurship Center)

SDSU’s Lavin Entrepreneurship

Program Honored as ‘Exceptional’

The Lavin Entrepreneurship Center at San Diego State University was honored for “Exceptional Activities in Entrepreneurship Across Disciplines” by the Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers (GCEC) at its annual conference held Sept. 29 to Oct. 1.
More than 400 attendees, including directors, staff members and faculty from entrepreneurship centers at academic institutions, participated in the conference, hosted by the University of Rochester and Rochester Institute of Technology.
SDSU was one of 14 institutions selected from a record-high 92 award applications received. GCEC awards are designed to showcase the best of university entrepreneurship.
The Lavin Entrepreneurship Center was recognized for the work it has done to introduce entrepreneurship across campus.
“Our focus is cross-disciplinary,” said Alex DeNoble, professor of management and executive director of the Lavin Entrepreneurship Center. “When we applied for this award, we felt that we would be strong because of the cross-campus reach of initiatives we already have underway.”
One of the initiatives highlighted in the award application was the cross-campus undergraduate minor established in 2012. Previously, entrepreneurship had been a specialization in the College of Business undergraduate program and a concentration in the graduate program.
The Lavin Entrepreneurship Center, working in conjunction with the Department of Management, designed and launched a cross-campus minor in entrepreneurship for students in any major.


Aya Healthcare Acquires

HealthCare Select

San Diego-based Aya Healthcare, aprovider of travel nursing and workforce solutions to hospitals, has completed the acquisition of HealthCare Select.

HealthCare Select will continue to operate as a vendor neutral provider of workforce solutions to hospitals across the United States. As part of the acquisition, HealthCare Select clients gain access to an expanded suite of workforce solutions, including additional software and clinical resources.

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