Friday, March 14, 2025
San Diego Scene

Airport Art Exhibit

Electriquettes Exhibit

Airport Art Exhibit Celebrates

Balboa Park Centennial and

Panama-California Exposition

Display cases
Display cases

San Diego International Airport has unveiled “Balboa Park & the City: Celebrating San Diego’s Panama-California Exposition,” the largest and most ambitious year-long exhibition offered by the airport’s Art Program.

Intended to support and enhance the city of San Diego’s year-long Balboa Park Centennial celebration, the airport-wide exhibition includes original artwork and historic images, collectibles, and artifacts that bring the 1915 Panama-California Exposition to life.

“With 30 installations spread among all three terminals, the exhibition offers a truly immersive experience that takes you back in time,” said Thella F. Bowens, president and CEO of the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority.

The exhibition includes historic items, replicas and images from seven local institutions and collectors, including: City of San Diego, Parks & Recreation Department; San Diego History Center; the Committee of

Clothing from the Past
Clothing from the Past

100; David Marshall, AIA; and Sandor W. Shapery, Shapery Enterprises.

The exhibition’s images include historic photographs and postcards presented in large format documenting the unique history, landscape and architecture of the Park.

The Art Program solicited original artwork that is representative of or inspired by Balboa Park and the city of San Diego from local artists. Ten participants were selected to exhibit their work based on their aesthetic and creative representation of the Park and unique use of media.

Exhibition highlights include:

• A replica of the famous wicker “Electriquette,” which transported fairgoers at the 1915 Exposition.

• Lighting designs by Jim Gibson, inspired by the ornate fixtures at the 1935 Exposition.

• Original works by Guillermo Acevedo, a celebrated illustrator and documentarian of San Diego’s landmarks and historic sites.



Exhibits along an airport aisle
Exhibits along an airport aisle


Balboa Park and the City
Balboa Park and the City
Wall Display
Wall Display










Exhibit announced to arriving cars
Exhibit announced to arriving cars
Art by Guillermo Acevedo
Art by Guillermo Acevedo
California Tower artwork
California Tower artwork













Wall Painting
Wall Painting




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