Daily Business Report — Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2011
St. Elizabeth Catholic Church Opens New Parish Center
St. Elizabeth Catholic Church in Carlsbad has opened its new Parish Center, an 18,443-square-foot building that will house religious education, parish social events and other activities. The center was blessed by Bishop Robert Brom of the San Diego Catholic Diocese.

“The new, multi-purpose Parish Center for St. Elizabeth Seton is part of a church master plan we designed nearly 20 years ago to accommodate a growing congregation,” said Wayne Holtan, AIA, and domusstudio architecture principal in charge of the project. The Parish Center features a Southern California mission-style architecture with window shapes and sizes, colonnades, roof design and trellis work. Kruse Development Services Group Inc. was the project manager for the center on behalf of the Diocese of San Diego. The center was built by general contractor CW Driver.
Ad Club Holds Hispanic Marketing Day
The San Diego Advertising Club will present its annual Hispanic Marketing Day from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday at the Crown Plaza Hanalei Hotel’s Hanalei Conference Center in Mission Valley, 2270 Hotel Circle North. The public is invited. The event will feature a trade show featuring exhibits from Hispanic media companies and a luncheon program with a panel discussion on Hispanic sports and a keynote speech from Luz Castillo of the U.S. Census Bureau discussing the latest Hispanic demographic trends from the 2010 census. The Hispanic sports panel members will include Alex Montoya of the San Diego Padres, Veronica Avila of the Los Angeles Galaxy and Jim Kalmenson of KWKW AM-1330 in Los Angeles, one of the nation’s largest Spanish-language sports radio stations and flagship of ESPN Deportes. Two special awards will be presented at the event, including the Ad Club’s Hispanic Marketing Lifetime Achievement Award to Luis Valdivia, Hispanic information officer with the Del Mar Fairgrounds, and its Hispanic Marketing Visionary award to the San Diego Padres baseball club. Cost to attend is $55 for Ad Club members, $65 for nonmembers and $50 for students. For more information, visit sandiegoadclub.com or phone (619) 255-2281.
Iacocca Institute Accepting Project Proposals from Business
The Iacocca Institute at Lehigh University will accept consulting project proposals from the West Coast business community during October and November for the chance to be selected as curricular components of the institute’s 2012 Global Village program. Every summer, since its inception in 1997 through a partnership between Chrysler icon Lee Iacocca (Lehigh class 1945) and Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pa., the Global Village for Future Leaders of Business and Industry program allows 100 young business leaders from all over the world to participate in interactive short courses, business consulting projects, executive meetings, business presentations about their countries, and business visits locally, in Washingto, D.C. and in New York.
For consideration, a project must be from an existing and established company (any size corporation, family-owned or sole proprietors); centered on an existing product or service; and faced with an issue that will benefit from the research and perspective of a multi-cultural team. Ideally, the project should have an international thrust focusing on issues that require a fresh look from a multi-cultural perspective. Market entry in a new country is a common theme among past projects, and has included competitive analysis, project ideation to meet new market standards, marketing communication plans or similar requests.
For consideration for the 2012 Global Village program as a business consulting project client, contact Elizabeth Simmons, director of curriculum, at (610) 758-5664, or visit iacocca-lehight.org.
Forum to Examine Water Pricing and Conservation
Cutting-edge ideas on water pricing and conservation will be explored at an Oct. 5 forum featuring David Zetland, senior water economist at the Department of Environmental Economics and Natural Resources at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. The forum, titled “Three Easy Steps to Sustainable Water Management in Southern California,” will be held at 6:30 p.m. at The San Diego Foundation, 2508 Historic Decatur Road, Suite 200, in Liberty Station, Point Loma. The forum is sponsored by UCan, Middle Class Taxpayers Association, Surfrider Foundation, San Diego Coastkeeper, CERF and Sierra Club. Zetland has a new book on water economics called “The End of Abundance: Economic Solutions to Water Scarcity.” The author demonstrates how simple economics can conserve water and coordinate the work of the various water agencies.
Economic Summit Scheduled for Sept. 30
South County Economic Development Council’s 21st annual Economic Summit will be held Sept. 30 featuring an economc outlook panel and keynote speakers State Treasurer Bill Lockyer and NBA Hall of Famer Bill Walton, executive chairman of Connect San Diego Sport Innovators. It will be held from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the San Diego Convention center. Panelists will include Alan Gin, associate professor of economics at the University of San Diego; Rafael, pastor, CEO and chairman of Vistage International Inc.; and Mrk Cafferty, CEO and president of the San Diego Workforce Partnership. Another panel comprised of local elected officials will discuss the economic outlook for their respective areas. A number of awards will be presented to local businesses and community leaders. For more information, call (619) 424-5143 or visit southcountyedc.com.
Small Business Workshops
SCORE San Diego continues its series of small business workshops
For more information, call (619) 557-7272 or visit score-sandiego.org.
• Sept. 21 Business Plan 201: How to Write a Winning Business Plan 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at National University in Kearny Mesa (9388 Lightwave Avenue, San Diego 92123; pre-paid registration $99, $109 at the door).
• Sept. 22 How to Start a Nonprofit 9 to 11:30 a.m. at The San Diego Foundation in Point Loma (2508 Historic Decatur Rd., #200, San Diego 92106; pre-paid registration $39, $49 at the door).
• Sept. 27 Marketing and Contracting with State and Local Governments 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at National University in Kearny Mesa (9388 Lightwave Avenue, San Diego 92123; pre-paid registration $69, $79 at the door).
• Sept. 29 Tax Considerations for Small Business 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at SCORE Entrepreneur Center (550 West C St., #550, San Diego 92101; pre-paid registration $29, $39 at the door).
• Sept. 30 Business Basics 101 9 a.m. to noon at National University in Kearny Mesa (9388 Lightwave Avenue, San Diego 92123; no charge please pre-register).
The Daily Business Report is produced by REP Publishing Inc., publisher of SD METRO, the North Park News and the West Coast Craftsman. Contact: Manny Cruz (619) 287-1865.