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Daily Business Report

Daily Business Report — Sept. 2, 2011

Asian Heritage Society Honors Dan Hom

The Asian Heritage Society has awarded its 2011 Entrepreneur of the Year Award to Dan Hom, president and founder of Focuscom Inc., a San Diego-based public affairs and public relations firm that was formed in 2006. The award recognizes Hom for his entrepreneurial leadership and involvement in the community. Hom’s agency’s revenues have grown 400 percent over the past five years. Its clients are in government and the technology, construction, hospitality and entertainment industries. “To receive an award like this, you need a great team,” said Hom, upon receiving the award.  “I want to thank my wife, Lisa. Having a small business is not easy. If you don’t have a supportive partner, then it just doesn’t happen. I have the best partner in the world, my lovely wife, Lisa.”

Dan and Lisa Hom

“The vote for Dan acknowledges his longtime participation in the community, not only as a business owner and entrepreneur, but as a leader,” said Rosalynn Carmen, president of the Asian Heritage Society. “He has stood for the community and voters responded to his longtime participation, including his past presidency of the ABA, board membership with the San Diego Asian Film Foundation and UPAC, and his involvement with so many other community organizations.” A fourth-generation San Diegan, Hom is a board member of the Asian Business Association, San Diego Asian Film Foundation, and the Union of Pan Asian Communities.

Scripps Health Acquires Del Mar Family Practice

Scripps Health has acquired the Del Mar Family Practice, which will add primary care services to the Scripps Clinic Del Mar location. The practice’s three physicians have joined Scripps Clinic Medical Group, which includes more than 400 physicians practicing in more than 50 areas of medicine and surgery. Scripps Health contracts for the exclusive services of the Scripps Clinic Medical Group physicians through the Scripps Medical Foundation. The physicians include founder Lawrence J. Schlitt, Christen M. Benke and John Dawkins. All three physicians are board certified in family medicine by the American Board of Family Medicine. Patients of Del Mar Family Practice will see no change in access to their personal physician, who will continue to coordinate their medical needs. The practice will remain in Carmel Valley at 12395 El Camino Real.

Recycle San Diego Solicits Donations for Armed Services YMCA

Recycle San Diego is encouraging the donation of unwanted portable DVD players, LCD flat-screen TVs, laptops, cell phones and other personal electronic devices to benefit is support for the Armed Forces YMCA. “We donate refurbished electronics to hospitalized troops who were injured in Iraq or Afghanistan,” says President Jeffrey Harding. “This program is part of Recycle San Diego’s philanthropy mission to help those who need it, and we think our wounded warriors deserve it more than most.” Recycle San Diego accepts for free any quantity of electronics from San Diego consumers and companies. Their technicians salvage working units and parts, then get to work dismantling and rebuilding. Refurbished devices may be sold to wholesalers or donated to local nonprofits. Remarketing manager Kevin Fink oversees Recycle San Diego’s reduce-reuse-recycle processes. “For example, we’ll get a laptop with a broken screen, and we’ll get the same model with a bad motherboard. From the two we’ll make one working unit, and save the parts for future repairs,” he says. Recycle San Diego’s most recent donations were made to the Solana Center for Environmental Innovation and the San Diego Riverpark Foundation. For more information, call (858) 569-1807.

Michael Lipman Joins Duane Morris Law Firm

Michael L. Lipman has joined the law firm of Duane Morris LLP as a partner in its white-collar criminal defense, corporate investigations and regulatory compliance practice group in San Diego. Lipman also will practice out of the Duane Morris office in Los Angeles. Before entering private practice, Lipman was assistant U.S. Attorney in the U.S. Attorney’s Office in San Diego, where he served as chief of the special prosecutions and fraud unit from 1980 to 1983. Lipman has focused his practice for 28 years on all aspects of white-collar criminal defense and related civil litigation as well as regulatory and licensing matters. He earned his law degree from Columbia University and a bachelor’s degree  from S.U.N.Y. Buffalo.

Small Business Workshops

SCORE San Diego continues its series of small business workshops. For more information, call (619) 557-7272 or visit

• Sept. 6 ­ Internet Marketing 101: Use the Internet to Successfully Market Your Business ­ 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at National University in Kearny Mesa (9388 Lightwave Avenue, San Diego 92123; pre-paid registration $69, $79 at the door).

• Sept. 7 ­ Business Plan 101: How to Develop Your Best Competitive Advantage ­ 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at National University in Kearny Mesa (9388 Lightwave Avenue, San Diego 92123; pre-paid registration $79, $89 at the door).

• Sept. 7 ­ QuickBooks Basic ­ 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at National University in Kearny Mesa (9388 Lightwave Avenue, San Diego 92123; pre-paid registration $69, $79 at the door).

• Sept. 8 ­ Internet Marketing 301: Increase Sales through Pay-Per-Click ­ 9 a.m. to noon at National University in Carlsbad (705 Palomar Airport Road, Carlsbad 92011; pre-paid registration $49, $59 at the door).

• Sept. 8 ­ Financing Your Business ­ 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at SCORE Entrepreneur Center (550 West C St., #550, San Diego 92101; pre-paid registration $29, $39 at the door).

• Sept. 9 ­ Business Basics 101 ­ 9 a.m. to noon at National University in Kearny Mesa (9388 Lightwave Avenue, San Diego 92123; no charge ­ please pre-register).

The Daily Business Report is produced by REP Publishing Inc., publisher of SD METRO, the North Park News and the West Coast Craftsman. Contact: Manny Cruz (619) 287-1865.

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