Monday, March 31, 2025
San Diego SceneSide Stories

Lighting Up the Town

Monthly art walk switches things up for the holiday season

By Ashley Garman

The longest running monthly art walk in San Diego is lighting up with holiday cheer for December. Every second Saturday of the month, galleries and businesses on Ray Street in North Park open their doors to the community, but this month, the Ray at Night Business Association is inviting artists and participants to contribute creations that glow, literally.
Ray of Light, a play on words from the art walk’s usual name Ray at Night, will be on Saturday, Dec. 11. Larry Stein, chairman of the Ray at Night Business Association, says, “We wanted to do something different for the holiday.”
The walk will showcase luminous shapes derived from platonic solids, which are meant to symbolize versatility. Artists can fashion their sculptures out of any media — from paper and cardboard to metal and glass, according to Stein.
“It’s going to be a lot of fun,” he said. Stein expressed hope that the event would bring in new artists and get more people involved in the creativity. The business association will have a booth at the holiday fair that will follow the Toyland Parade on Dec. 4, providing templates for kids to make their own figures.
“We like working with kids and getting them involved in the arts,” said Stein.
In addition to promoting the arts, the Ray at Night Business Association is looking to “spruce up the street” and draw people into their community.
“It’s a real grassroots-type thing,” said Stein.
Since starting the art walk in September 2001, Ray at Night has not missed a single month. While recognizing the art walk’s already-existing notability, Stein says he hopes the luminous December special will help increase community involvement even further.
In addition to the displays, the festival will have entertainment, a raffle, as well as booths along the street — a first, thanks to a new permit. Stein says Ray at Night averages 300 to 400 attendees, but adds that it has been as high as 1,000 in the past.
Ray of Light will run from 6 to 10 p.m. on Ray Street between University Avenue and North Park Way.
There is no entry fee, and the deadline to submit creations is Friday, Dec. 10 at 5 p.m. To get more information on entry guidelines and to access templates for the five platonic shapes, visit

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