Saturday, March 29, 2025
Daily Business Report

Daily Business Report — March 1, 2010

Panel To Discuss Stimulus Dollars Spent in San Diego

A panel on how federal stimulus dollars are being spent in San Diego County is the focus of a panel talk March 9 sponsored by the Urban Land Institute, San Diego/Tijuana, at the University Club, 750 B St., in Downtown San Diego. The cost is $40 for members, $25 for students, $50 for nonmembers and $30 for active military. Panelists include Gary Gallegos, executive director, San Diego Association of Governments; Ben Haddad, California strategies and past chair, San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce; and Capt. Keith Hamilton, commanding officer of Naval Facilities Engineering Command.Dean Calbreath, financial columnist, The San Diego Union-Tribune, will serve as moderator.

Financial Seminars Offered for the Military

Members of the San Diego Financial Planning Association, at the request of the Foundation for Financial Planning, are volunteering in a series of financial seminars for the military.The “Military Saves” financial education series will include keynote speakers Peter G. Bielagous, known as the “Young America’s Financial Coach,” and TV and radio show host Kevin Boston from “Moneywise.” After the keynote speakers, FPA members will take part in a panel to answer questions on savings, building credit, buying a home, or getting out of debt. Jon Beyer, president of San Diego’s Financial Planning Association, said he has volunteered his time because ”I want to do my part to help military families, who sacrifice so much to protect our freedom. Often they are very young, and they have to make financial decisions without the benefit of life experience.  As a financial professional, I can pass on some knowledge to help them make better financial decisions.” For more information about the “Military Saves” seminars, including the time and date of the events, contact Judy Hagar at (858) 550-7090.

Social Media Strategies on Tap

Social media strategies to increase sales and raise brand awareness will be discussed from 7:15 to 9 a.m. on March 11 during the Sales & Marketing Council’s “Social Media 101” event at the Building Industry Association offices, 9201 Spectrum Center Blvd., San Diego. Cost is $30 for BIA member/$60 for nonmembers. To register, call (858) 450-1221, Ext. 101, or visit Panelists will include: Harley Orion of Orion Social, who will give an overview of social media and explain how it can be used to grow sales, build community and increase brand value; Jan Percival of Scribe Communications, who will present reasons to join Twitter, as well as how easy and effective it can be; and Maria Swanson of Weston Mason Marketing, who will share a case study of a community’s recent launch into Facebook.

San Diego Attorney Chosen for Trial Advocates Board

Frederick Schenk

Frederick Schenk, a partner at Casey Gerry Schenk Francavilla Blatt & Penfield, has been elected to the American Board of Trial Advocates, an organization comprised of the country’s leading judges and plaintiff and defense trial counsel. Schenk concentrates his practice on products liability, personal injury and asbestos law. He co-authored the LexisNexis California Automobile Litigation Handbook, and since 2005 has been listed in Woodward and White’s Best Lawyers In America. Active in community and professional organizations, he was recently elected to serve on the board of governors of the American Association for Justice.

Safari Scramble

Golf enthusiasts and animal lovers are invited to the second annual Safari Scramble Golf Tournament on May 21 at Hidden Meadows golf course in Escondido. Shotgun start begins at 1 p.m.  Highlights include tee prizes, silent auction, and contests throughout the day. Meet and greet cheetah ambassador “Prince” Victor and enjoy surprise wildlife guest appearances at every hole. Tourney package fee: $125 per person. Families/non-golfers can pay separately for dinner/animal presentation only: Adults $25, kids 12 and under $10. Proceeds benefit Wild Wonders and Zoofari Inc. a nonprofit organization dedicated to wildlife conservation and educational outreach programs. For info and reservations, call event chair Tim Barlow (760) 739-3236, cell: (760) 715-6757 or Executive Director Jackie Navarro (760) 630-9230.

Business Datebook

March 4

WORKSHOP: The Asian Business Association will present its latest Pacific Rim Entrepreneur Series, “Doing Business With Sempra Energy Utilities-SDG&E and Southern Cal Gas,” 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Courtyard Marriott, 8651 Spectrum Center Blvd., San Diego. Keynote speakers: Caroline Winn, director of Supply Management, and Carolina Herrera, director of Diverse Business Enterprises. Cost for ABA and partner members, $10; nonmembers pay $15. To reserve, call (858) 277-2822, Ext. 102, or visit

March 6

FORUM: “Doing Business in a Difficult Time,” a forum presented by the Southeastern Economic Development Corp. for small businesses. 9 a.m. to noon, SEDC offices, 4393 Imperial Ave., San Diego. Will include information on enterprise zone tax advantages, storefront improvement program, loan programs and marketing. $10 cost includes breakfast. For reservations, call (619) 527-7345.

March 11

PANEL TALK: Social media strategies to increase sales and raise brand awareness will be discussed during the Sales & Marketing Council’s “Social Media 101” event. 7:15 to 9 a.m., Building Industry Association offices, 9201 Spectrum Center Blvd., San Diego. $30 for BIA members. $60 for nonmembers. To register, call (858) 450-1221, Ext. 101. Panelists: Harley Orion of Orion Social; Jan Percival of Scribe Communications; Maria Swanson of Weston Mason Marketing.

March 17

BREAKFAST MEETING: Influenza experts will discuss lessons learned from the swine flu pandemic at BIOCOM’s monthly breakfast meeting, 7 to 9 a.m., Hyatt Regency La Jolla, 3777 La Jolla Village Drive, San Diego. Speakers: Brian Plew, head of public health, Life Technologies; Larry R. Smith, v.p., vaccine research, Vical Inc.; John D. Tamerius, senior v.p., clinical and regulatory affairs, Quidel Corp. For information, call Valerie Sanderson (858) 455-0300, Ext. 112.

MEETING: The March meeting of the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) San Diego will feature Jo Dee Jacob presenting “Building and Nurturing a Winning Team.” 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Sheraton La Jolla, 3299 Holiday Court, La Jolla. Jacob is CEO of The San Diego-Imperial Council of Girl Scouts. $35 for members, $45 for nonmembers. For more information, visit

March 18

MEETING: Web content strategist Shelly Bowen, principal of Pybop LLC, will speak on “Virtual Story Telling: How to Grow Your Business with Social Media,” at the meeting of the San Diego Professional Editors Network (SD/PEN), 6:30 p.m., Joyce Beers Community Center, Uptown Shopping Center, Hillcrest. Free and open to nonmembers. For more information, call (619) 281-6951 or visit $45 for BIOCOM members, $90 for nonmembers.

The Daily Business Report is produced by REP Publishing Inc., publisher of San Diego Metropolitan Magazine, the North Park News, Kensington News and the West Coast Craftsman. (619) 906-4104.

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